To do a drill, create a new pupil or choose an existing pupil. All existing pupils can be found by clicking the “Choose Pupil…” button. If you create a new pupil you will be prompted to type your name and if passwords are required, you will be asked to provide a password. Your name can even be your full name if your full name is not more than 31 characters. Otherwise you can use initials.
Choose your test by clicking the “Choose Test…” button. The four progressive level tests that are included with Master Spell are the first four numbered tests.
You may double-click these pupil and test files to launch them right into Master Spell or you may drag and drop your pupil and test files onto the main test window.
Choose the number of words you want administered during the drill.
Integrate Trouble Words
If you choose the Integrate Troublers checkbox on the main test window, if you have accumulated any troublers (words that you have previously misspelled and need work on), the troublers will be randomly integrated into the course of your drill. You are drilled on troublers just as you are drilled on the regular test words.